Google has announced that its company is working on banning fake news website that pass hate message or misinterprete information.
"Moving forward, we will restrict ad serving on pages that misrepresent, misstate, or conceal information about the publisher, the publisher's content, or the primary purpose of the web property," a Google spokesperson told the news agency. “This policy includes fake news sites, the spokesperson confirmed. Google already prevents its AdSense program from being used by sites that promote violent videos and imagery, pornography, and hate speech.”
Tuesday, 22 November 2016
Google working to ban fake website news
Thursday, 10 November 2016
Introduction To HTML(1)
HTML is the standard way of creating webpages. i.e all web pages are created by the use of HTML.
HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language.
HTML defines webpages by the use of markup.
HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language
HTML describes the structure of Web pages using markup
HTML elements are the building blocks of HTML pages
HTML elements are represented by tags
HTML tags label pieces of content such as "heading", "paragraph", and so on
Browsers do not display HTML, but use them to render the content of the page.
This is an example of an HTML >>>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Page Title</title>
<h1>My Heading(First)</h1>
<p>My first paragraph.(First)</p>
HTML take time to learn you can learn by downloading the w3school HTML app on your store. We will write further on HTML so stay tuned and we also teach HTML.
Friday, 28 October 2016
4 Easy Step On How To Start A Blog
Step1: The number one step is to choose your blogging platform.i.e choosing which platform you would like to host your blog.
There are alot of platforms e.g WordPress, Blogger, Tumblr, Movable Type. For begginers i would advise you to go for blogger.
Here are my reasons you should go for blogger: Blogger own by a part of google is eaay to operate all you need is a little bit of knowledge on how to edit HTML and so. I will soon be writing an article on how you can learn and i will also teach you some simple HTML tricks
Step2: Self Hosting or taking Free blog: This is where most beginners get confused and they feel like backing out, here is my advise to you WordPress, Blogger, and Tumblr all offer free hosting to anyone who is interested in blogging. Yes its true they offer hosting free.
If you choose either of the above free hosting your url will look like:
Step3: After choosing blogger which i assure you wnt regret, buy a top level domain and join it to your blogspot blog.
What i mean by top level domain is , .com, .org,, .co, and so on.
After buying a top level domain which is around $2- $50 depend on the tld you have decided to choose.
Step4: Design your blog: That involves choosing a good template for your blog. Getting a template is easier your can contact us for your affordable template design. You get to pay us when we deliver the service.
Designing a template isnt alot a begginer would like doing. You can contact a blogger you think knows more about template or you can choose from what blogger has given you.
If by any chance you get stuck while doing any of the above step contact th dailytipxteam or you can leave a comment.
Thursday, 27 October 2016
Updated: 5 Super Ways To Generate Traffic To Your Blog
After weeks of compelling your content and you are ready to get it published and at that point you start thinking about how to get enough readers to your blog. Here are some tips to use when you are thinking about getting readers to your blog.
Good Content: When you create that good and useful content there is no way you won't have alot of readers to your blog. Adsense itself like blogs with useful and good content not blog whose design and layout are superb.
Good and useful content is the numbet one thing a blogger should consider in doing when hoping for visitors. Good and quality content is said ti attract more readers.
Share Your Post More Than Once: Writters make alot of mistake when you've written a good and useful content and you share a good post once.
The question is when you don't share more than once how do you think your post will get to the audience or readers or are you expecting a miracle by publishing your post and not sharing more than once. So sharing your post is a major key to getting traffic or readers to your blog.
Advertise Your Website/blog: Advertising your blog ON GOOGLE. Advertising your website/blog genaerates a very huge numbers of visitors especially when you advertise on the number one platform(Google Adwords) with a little cash.
Anybody can advertise on adword especially because you don't need millions to do it all you need is just a few bucks and you are done. You can also advertise on this website with just a little money hereContact us
Create A Controversial Post: Creating a controversial post about anything is a major tip in getting readers. But you should be careful about which post you create and what you use in expressing it.
You can create a controversial post like you sued Google or anything you can think of at that time.
With the above steps getting hundred thousands of visitors to your blog is for sure. You can comment below if its working for you and don't forget to share this post.
Monday, 24 October 2016
My thoughts when I first started blogging----2
In a past post I wrote about my experience when I started blogging, I wrote about my challenges ,AdSense ban and others, then I said I'll continue writing how I bounced back from the AdSense ban. Before i talk about how I got back ,let's discuss what you should have in mind before applying for AdSense.
1. Its very important to the AdSense team and one of the most crucial policy of Google to write your own posts yourself, do not copy it from anywhere. You may think you're smart by inserting a few lines to the post you copied, but I assure you Google will always know its a copied content. And you must have at least twenty posts of yourself. Even if you're going to copy a post from any place, you must put a reference to the post indicating where you copied or curated it from. You can put a reference by simply putting a "source; "URL or where you saw this post"" this will tell Google you are not claiming the post but making reference to the post/url.
2.Another thing you must avoid are the Violent or Adult content -- Google hates websites with violent or adult content ,they will always dissaprove websites with these features and moreover they lack genuine or factual content, they only contain flash images or videos. Apart from Google who would like to advertise his product e.g phone in a website that promote pornography or racism (I don't want to) Nobody, so it will be better if you remove all posts with these feature, you can know these posts by typing this in you URL*x and deleting them in your blogger,** replace the with your website URL and the se*x with others adult or violent content ** Site Navigation and Simplicity
This is a very simple reason ,just ask yourself this question Do I Want To Advertise On A Website With Very Slow Loading Time? Websites that want to participate in the Google adsnese program must have faster loading pages, the website must be fully and well built ,this includes adding pages and a well written privacy policy, about us , contact us page and do not forget to crate a logo for your website which you should upload to the favicon in blogger.
Simple things like this count in the sense that it makes your website look more professional
Back to how I bounced back from AdSense ban, I did some major things (I mentioned them above) I believe have earned me AdSense back
1. I created a new blog
2. Started writing posts of my own 3. Constructed a new design and layout for the blog
3. Did the privacy policy ,about us page and everything I mentioned above.
This came like a jackpot gbam!! I passed the first step then 2-3 weeks later I passed the second review step. I've learnt a few lessons tho about AdSense I'm sure you have too, follow this blog to read more tips and real in depth insight about blogging. Thank you for reading this post ππππ✌✌
My thoughts when I first started blogging
At first infolinks seems easy to me. I just continually posting articles sharing then later I bought a Top Level Domain hoping it would put me in the public market. So I continued blogging and sharing and all having in mind that's the only alternative to adsense.
After I earned only $5 for more than a year I just got fed up of infolinks, now I have a new motivation "getting AdSense" even if it means writing many posts. I then played someone to help improve the navigation of my site and the template. That was done without spending so much money.
Now to the main thing I now applied for AdSense after so many trials I got approved , that night I was feeling like I just won an award (it really is an award if you get AdSense to show on your blog). In two weeks I already earned $50 , for adsense starter I thought its impressive compared to infolinks which only earned me less than $10 in more than a year which felt like a decade to me.
I was supposed to get paid the ending of that month, then I woke up to an email saying "Your AdSense account have been banned", I laughed ,was this some kind of joke then I tried logging in it said account banned , I then checked my site using another phone ,everything was blank . The first thing that came to my mind was after all the struggle more than $100 gone just like that , where do I start from. I just picked up my phone searching for what I had done wrong ,I don't seem to understand why I have been blocked. I later saw an post on a website saying you can be bomb clicked which will make the ads click greater than your pageviews and impression all together which is an invalid activity according to the Google policies.
What next to do I tried appealing to Google maybe they will find my appeal reasinable ,but they relplied saying that my account could not be opened. I later saw another post saying what I know was the reason I got clicked bombed (I don't know how people bomb click),the writer said in the post that you should change your URL or leave your AdSense ads lying around without it receiving impressions and page views or leave it idle on a page that is not fuctuoning in any ways which was a reasonable thought. Read how I bounced back in the next post to comeππ
How to embed your YouTube video to autoplay on blogger
Bloggers of nowadays don't make money only through content. They also place their YouTube video to auto play in their website.
Friday, 21 October 2016
Reasons AdSense Is The Best Monetisation Platform.
Reasons AdSense is the best website monetisation platform.
First of all you need to know you should choose AdSense cause without knowing this you won't know why AdSense is the best.
* When you are an AdSense publisher the most interesting part orbit is that you can earn as much as possible, their is no limit to what you can earn.
* Another interesting reason is their Cost Per Click (CPC). The cost per one click of one of AdSense ads can go up as high as $20 per click, the point is it varies it not fixed like other advertising platforms I've used.
* You need to see how AdSense caters for their publishers, when your earning reach $10 you will be sent a pin in which you will verify your address, this is a major tactic to curb your payment or cheque being set to a wrong address or being hijacked. You only get paid when you verify your address.
* The part I love most is that you can block a specific advertiser ads from showing on your sit. You don't expect a news website to show ads of other news websites, that will be so bad. In AdSense you are given the opportunity to block a specific advertiser which is awin win approach to both publisher-advertiser-and Google .
* Another interesting part is the page level ads. In page level ad you get to show ads in vignettes and in pop-up , which will greatly double your earnings. These are the features I believe AdSense posses to be the top and most wanted Publisher advertising platform, if you believe there are other features that are supposed to be mentioned here please write a comment telling us about it. I LOVE GOOGLE ADSENSE
Thursday, 20 October 2016
Breaking News: Pakistan Bans Indian Film And Indian Music
The ban is not only on films but also on music and indian programs are being banned to. This is a result to the recent action between the two countries in the recent weeksThe conflict in Kashmir dates back to the partition of India in 1947, with the region being subject to several wars resulting in a ceasefire along the “Line of Control”.
The two counto have exchanged fires when indian blamed Pakistan for raid on its army that left several dead and injured.
Protest has sparked in both countries against each other concerning this matter and also human right activist has been arrested.
Spokesman from the UN has urged the two counto to settle or dialogue to avoid more disagreement between both peaceful countries.
Wednesday, 19 October 2016
Adsense New Look, Features And Review
These are the features of the new look;
* Smarter, more insightful. The things you need, together in one place
*You can Prioritise useful information, and arrange the page how you like. Build a homepage that works for you.
Tuesday, 18 October 2016
More About Adsense
I have written about adsense almost 50 times now and has a adsense partner i will yell you their is no adsense alternative. Adsense is the best platform to earn or to monetize your content.
Adsense is the surest and the its a little bit hard to get it. You can get started by Following our easy step.
AdSense is the best network to monetize and earn huge. But many blogger get tired when AdSense had dissaproved his application. You can apply for Adsense by going to its website. Adsense give partners ad code to place on their blog. Once those ad code are implemented. You start earning from yout visitors i.e impressions and page views. Adsense program and policies are strict im which most bloggers are caught up.
Adsense do dissable active partners if they see anything unsual i.e invalid click, invalid activity. Adsense take things like this serious that once you are dissaproved you can never be accepted until you write an appeal in which its not 30% sure your account will be enabled again. You can ask on adsense Product forum if you have any question about how adsense operates.
How To Get Your Adsense approved For Second Review
Step 1: Login to your AdSense Account
Step2: Go to My ads section and click create new ad unit, choose your desired ad unit copy the ad code
Step 3: Login to your blogger
Step4: Click layout
Step 5: Add a gadget and click on html JavaScript
Step 6: Paste the ad code and you are done
Within 1-2 hours ads will start showing on your website.
Sunday, 25 September 2016
5 Things to do before applying for AdSense
What am about to discuss below are things to do before applying for AdSense or are the steps a blogger who want to be approved for adsense to take.Now straight to the purpose of posting this.
Things to do before appying for AdSense
1.The Number one thing is writting a Good content.
One of the proven step on being approved by AdSense is by writting a good content . A good content is one which is unique and original with proper headings and bullet lists free from grammar and
mistake is long enoug useful and informative as much as you can get it to be.
A quality or good content should also conprises of more than 500 words and it must not consist of only image.
2. Create privacy policy page for your blog
Creating a privacy policy page is so important although people thinks it doesnt matter in getting an AdSense account approved.
It tells AdSense that you are not a scam and it tells your reader what will be expected on your blog.
3. Create an About Us page
Like we have said above creating a About Us page is also one of the factor of being approved by adsense.
Your About Us page should consist of the blog information that you want your readers to know about you.
4. Have a good number of post
Having a good numbet of post help alot although Google AdSense has no number of post a blogger must have before registering for Adsense.
There are some cases whereby an adsense was approved with just over 10 post, and there are even cases whereby bloggers with over 400 post are still being rejected by AdSense.The conclusion is that you should have not less than 200 post before appying for Adsense.
5. Make sure you are 18+
Google AdSense do disapprove publishers thats not 18 or above. Many publishers dont know about this. This can be one of the reason a publisher is not being approved yet.
With this simple tip for getting adsense above, you should be able to get yours too.You can contact us for help or you can comment below.
Saturday, 24 September 2016
How to make money blogging
I will discuss below how you make money blogging with or without an affiliate associate. Here is how to make money from a blog:
1. Set up your blog
2. Start creating useful content
3. Get off your blog and start finding readers
4. Build engagement with the readers that
5. Start making money from the readership
you have through one or more of a variety
of income streams
1• In order to make money blogging you must have a blog. You don't need to worry about how to operate a blog. You will have a good knowledge of it when you start one.And always remember there is everything on google.if you need a little help then you can contact us
2•Create Useful content
One of the secret of any successful blogger is the type of unique content a blogger create. Focus on creating content that changes peoples live in some way or create a must read content.
Creating good content is one of the things a blogger must always do, like doing researching about what a blogger want to post.
3• Find Readers
A blogger cant just sit and expect thousand of traffic on his/her blog. Therefore a blogger must do certain things to get readers to his/her blog.
Here are some suggestions on how to get readers to yout blog
a. Create a Facebook group with alot of members. Facebook is said to be where all bloggers genarate his/her traffic from.
b. Advertise on google
c.One secret about getting getting readers is promoting your blog or postYou can promote on facebook or you can ADVERTISE ON DAILY TIPS AT AFFORDABLE PRICE
4• Build Engagement with readers
At this point you need to switch your focus to engaging with those readers and building community.You can suggest to your reader to subscribe to your Newsletter which i know it build relationship between a reader and a blogger.
Another way of engaging with readers is to reply to comment and reach out to readers personally. This will increase readers and often tell your readers to share your blog post to get a larger audience.
5• Start making money
With these foundations in place you’re now ready
to start attempting to make money from your blog
but you do need to be aware that just because you
have set up your blog, have content and have
engaged readers that the money won’t just
automatically flow.
It takes continued work and experimentation to
make money from your blog.
There are many ways to make money blogging
1. Advertising income e.g Google AdSense
2. Affiliate Program e.g Amazon
4.Business promotion etc
Friday, 23 September 2016
Governor Of Bayelsa And Wife Welcome 4 Babies After Many Years Of Marriage
Thursday, 22 September 2016
Pics Of Buhari With UN Secretary General, Ban ki Moon
President Buhari and Minister of Environment Amina J. Mohammed and Ban Ki Moon
You can Now Suspend Your DSTV subscription
MultiChoice Nigeria said the new package is in line with its commitment to better service delivery for all its subscribers.
In a statement released on Wednesday, the company said greater attention is being paid to issues affecting subscribers’ enjoyment of DStv services.
Notable among these are signal loss, subscription payment and reconnection, customer care services, Free-to-Air channels and hardware related issues. The company explained that customers now have the option of suspending their accounts while they are away from home.
It said this will be upon request and a 48-hour notice that the account be suspended for a fixed period between seven to 14 days twice yearly. “We put our customers first at all times and hold them in high very esteem,” the statement read.
“We are committed to delivering world-class service to our customers and proud to say we are the first video entertainment company to implement new subscriber initiatives requested by the Consumer Protection Council (CPC).
“Over the past year, we have worked closely with the CPC to identify our customers’ areas of need and made a commitment towards implementing solutions that will resonate with our customers and lead to improved service.”
On the issue of customer care services, MultiChoice explained that the call centre hours have been extended to accommodate more queries.
“Call centre operating hours are now 8am to 9pm on Saturdays, Sunday and public holidays. In addition, toll free numbers have been introduced on major network providers”, MultiChoice stated.
“The toll free lines are 09090630333 for Etisalat, 07080630333 for Airtel, 08113630333 for Glo and 08149860333 for MTN. This means that customers’ calls to the call centre are toll free when they call the corresponding numbers of their mobile network.”
Other subscriber-focused initiatives, the company added, include access to free-to-air channels at the expiration of subscription and upon the payment of a nominal fee, improved content on its mid-level offering, DStv Compact, providing greater value to subscribers.
In addition, from time to time, the company opens premium content on the higher bouquets for an entire week to DStv subscribers, irrespective of their subscription status.
See Where New Born Babies Are Being Kept In Venezuela (pics)
The situation is under investigation.
Saturday, 10 September 2016
Friday, 9 September 2016
Bill Gate No More The Richest In The World...see who
Amancio Ortega, the Spanish retail genius who started Zara, passed Microsoft Bill Gates to become the richest man in the world on Wednesday. Shares of Ortega’s business Inditex, parent company to Zara, Massimo Dutti and Pull&Bear, ticked up 2.5% Wednesday, boosting his personal fortune by $1.7 billion. That lifted Ortega’s net worth from $77.8 billion to $79.5 billion. Gates is worth an estimated $78.5 billion.
The son of a railway worker from La CoruΓ±a, Spain, Ortega is as reclusive as he is so rich. He started his career as a store clerk in his hometown before opening his own business in spain. Beginning with less than $100, he and his wife Rosalia Mera began making lingerie, pajamas and nightgowns in their living room.
In 1975, the couple (who eventually divorced) decided to open a store named Zara. Eight years later, Ortega had expanded to nine locations around Spain. In 1984, he opened a 10,000 square foot logistics hub.
Unlike most retailers, Inditex hardly relies on advertising. Ortega has instead devoted most of his resources into turning his company into the most efficient retailing operation in the world. When companies like Gap and H&M were taking five months to design, make, distribute and sell new products in the early 2000s, Zara was doing it in three weeks. That meant Ortega’s companies could keep up with the whims of shoppers much more easily than its competitors — and also had to spend less on warehousing.
Ortega took the business public in 2001 and debuted on the Forbes billionaires list the same year, with a net worth of $6.6 billion. By then, Gates was already the richest man in the world, with a fortune of $58.7 billion.
From 2001 to 2002, as most billionaires struggled to hold onto their riches amid the dot-com crash, Ortega gained an additional $2.5 billion and became the world’s 25th-richest man. He repeated the trick seven years later, when the world plunged into crisis. From 2009 to 2013, while the Spanish economy was reeling, Ortega personally gained $39 billion.
Ortega briefly took the title of world’s richest man for the first time in October 2015, when Inditex shares hit an all-time high and boosted Ortega’s net worth to $80 billion. But the stock quickly dipped, and Gates once again claimed the throne. The two billionaires will likely continue to exchange the title as the stock prices of their holdings continue to bounce up and down.
Gates has donated nearly $31 billion in stock and cash to his foundation over his lifetime. If the Microsoft cofounder were not such a prolific philanthropist, neither Ortega nor anyone else on Earth would be anywhere close to as rich as Gates.
North Korea Conducts Fifth Nuclear Test
This is the fifth recorded Nuclear test of North Korea and its largest so far. The country has become one of the most countries with nuclear weapon. The UN is to hold a meeting this evening to talk about the nuclear test in North Korea.
Many countries and stakeholders has condemned the nuclear test and its threat to human.
Wednesday, 7 September 2016
Usain Bolt Propose To Girlfriend
more than a DOZEN WOMEN over the last month.
He was CAUGHT IN BED with a Brazilian woman
a few days after winning his final gold medal.
Then he was spotted with MULTIPLE BRAZILIAN
WOMEN in the days after as he traveled Europe for
sponsorship meetings.
Well Usain is now with his MAIN GF Kasi Bennett
– and he may be with her FOREVER.
The athlete is currently on holiday with Kasi, who
seems to have put the pictures and rumors behind
her to enjoy a luxurious break with Bolt.
We hear that Jamaica’s star sprinter popped the
question to Kasi last night, as they sailed on a
yacht in Bora Bora. Kasi of course said yes. The
couple is planning a wedding for the Spring.
CONGRATS to them both.
Monday, 5 September 2016
Tuesday, 30 August 2016
Friday, 19 August 2016
Wednesday, 17 August 2016
Tuesday, 16 August 2016
See who Manchester City just signed
Pep Guardiola has signed Pablo Mari. Meanwhile Pep Guardiola has reportedly agreed €16 million to sign Barcelona goal keeper Claudio Bravo.
Sunday, 14 August 2016
Wednesday, 23 March 2016
Who rocks it Better The Boy or Olamide
Drinking Alcohol moderately not good
Studies which suggest that drinking alcohol moderately has health benefits are flawed, according to new research.
Previous studies have suggested that drinking alcohol, for example a glass of wine, can cut the risk of heart disease.
However, a study reviewing 87 past research papers concluded that the idea that drinking at a reasonable level was flawed.
Canadian researchers claimed that the studies were biased, poorly designed and pointed to positive effects that were unlikely in reality.
The team behind the study published in the ‘Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs’ also highlighted concerns about groups of “abstainers” who were compared to moderate drinkers, despite giving up drinking due to ill health.
This meant that those who were classed as drinking occasionally, at fewer than one drink per week, lived the longest.
But by taking into account study design issues, such as the abstainers, researchers found that moderate drinking had no link to longevity.
And Dr Stockwell said he doubted that drinking infrequently was the reasons that “occasional” drinkers had lower mortality rates because the level of alcohol in their bodies was “biologically insignificant”.
“A fundamental question is, who are these moderate drinkers being compared against?” said lead author Dr Tim Stockwell, director of the University of Victoria's Centre for Addictions Research in British Columbia, Canada.
Of the 87 studies assessed, only 13 did not have an issue with the selection of abstainers.
Therefore, alcohol should not be linked to people being healthier, said Dr Stockwell.
The study assessed health in terms of drinking in general, rather than specific types of drink.
Dr Stockwell said: “There's a general idea out there that alcohol is good for us, because that's what you hear reported all the time, but there are many reasons to be sceptical.”
Dr Harshal Kirane, director of Addiction Services at Staten Island University Hospital in New York, who was not involved with the study, told CBS News that the research “highlights the limitations of past efforts to characterize the impact of low-volume alcohol use
Cure For HIV now available?.
For years, people were wondering when can they stop wearing condoms while having s*x with their partners, well it looks like the time is right around the corner.
It seems the long awaited cure for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) – a lentivirus that causes HIV infection and over time acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, AIDS, has been invented by scientists.
Below is how popular U.S gossip website, MediaTakeOut reported the story;
For years, people were wondering WHEN CAN THEY REMOVE THEIR CONDOMS . . . well it looks like it’s right around the corner.
Scientists have for the FIRST TIME EVER – proved that they can CURE HIV. Yesterday scientists CONFIRMED that they were able to edit out HIV-1 DNA from the genome of human immune cells, preventing virus replication and reinfection of the cleared cells.
In layman’s language, they used GENE THERAPY to cure HIV in HUMAN cells.
Dr. Kamel Khalili, director of the Comprehensive NeuroAIDS Center at Temple University claims that they are ready to put his new gene therapy into a new drug that will cure HIV in patients even after they stop taking the drugs.
“The findings are important on multiple levels. They demonstrate the effectiveness of our gene editing system in eliminating HIV from the DNA of CD4 T-cells and, by introducing mutations into the viral genome, permanently inactivating its replication. Further, they show that the system can protect cells from reinfection and that the technology is safe for the cells, with no toxic effects,” Khalili said in a press release.
FG declares March 25 and 28 has public holiday
The Federal Government has declared Friday, March 25 and Monday, March 28 as public holidays to mark the Good Friday and Easter celebrations respectively.
The Minister of Interior, Retired Lt.-Gen. Abdulrahman Dambazau, made the declaration in a statement issued by the acting Permanent Secretary in the ministry, Alhaji Muhammadu Maccido on Tuesday in Abuja.
The minister urged Christians and Nigerians in general to support and join hands with President Muhammadu Buhari in his sustained efforts to build a peaceful, united and virile nation.
He further urged Nigerians to use the occasion to pray for peace and unity across the nation.
While wishing Nigerians and Christians the world over happy celebrations, Dambazau also reiterated Federal Government’s commitment to the change agenda in the country.
See Names of Brussel bombers
Two brothers have been named by local media as the suicide bombers behind the Brussels Airport attacks that killed at least 11 people and injured up to 100.
Belgium’s state broadcaster RTBF has named Khalid and Ibrahim el-Bakraoui as the two men who detonated suitcase bombs, killing themselves and several others, at Zaventem airport.
It is a potentially significant development as it recently emerged the el-Bakraoui brothers had clear links to November’s Paris attacks – where 130 people were murdered at the Bataclan, Stade de France and at restaurants and cafés around the capital by jihadists from the so-called Islamic State.
The brothers are suspected of hiring out properties as hideouts for the Paris terror team.
They are, however, well known by authorities for organised crime rather than terrorism.
The BBC has also quoted a Belgian newspaper, La Derniere Heure, claiming the third man in the airport CCTV image of three men handed out police is Najim Laachraoui.
Belgian newspaper La Derniere Heure said Khalid el-Bakraoui was being sought for terrorist activities while Ibrahim was reportedly on the run after a sentence for other criminal activity.
Belgium has entered its second day of mourning after twin explosions at the airport and another at a metro station on Tuesday left at least 31 dead and 250 wounded.
Tuesday, 22 March 2016
Arnold Schwarzenegger walks out of interview when questioned about Donald Trump
'This is an interview that I only do about fitness and health, not about politics,' says Arnold Schwarzenegger
Arnold Schwarzenegger might have been dubbed a “friend” by Donald Trump, but the former California governor has outrightly refused to answer any questions about his billionaire buddy in an awkward interview in Australia.
The 68-year-old actor and bodybuilder brought an abrupt end to an interview on Network 7's Weekend Sunrise program on Saturday morning when asked about the Republican presidential frontrunner.
“This is an interview that I only do about fitness and health, not about politics or my relationships,” Schwarzenegger told host Angela Cox before abruptly terminating the interview.
The journalist’s interest was no doubt piqued by the fact Schwarzenegger will be overtaking Trump’s previous role as host on the Celebrity Apprentice.
Earlier this month, Schwarzenegger endorsed Republican candidate and Ohio Govenor John Kashich in a series of social media posts before joining the candidate at a rally in Columbus in Ohio.
Friday, 4 March 2016
Kendrick Lamar surprises fans by releasing new eight-track album
Kendrick Lamar has surprised fans by releasing a new album on Thursday, called untitled unmastered. It appears to be a companion work to his critically acclaimed 2015 album To Pimp a Butterfly.
Filled with the free jazz, funk, politically charged lyrics and experimental sounds that made To Pimp a Butterfly such an instant classic, all eight of the songs are untitled but bear a date seemingly indicating they were recorded in 2013-14 (with the exception of the seventh track: untitled 07 2014-2016).
The basketballer LeBron James tweeted to the artist and Anthony Tiffith, the chief executive of Top Dawg Entertainment, the independent hip-hop label Lamar is signed to: “you have to release those untitled tracks asap!!!”
Tiffith wrote back that he would think about it and on Wednesday hinted at the release in an Instagram post: “Ive decided 2 drop a project 1 day this week. I won’t say wut day or who.” He later posted that fans should thank James for the new release.
When Lamar announced the release on Twitter his post was retweeted more than 43,000 times in two hours.
Africa gets its first solar-powered airport
South Africa has ramped up its green credentials by unveiling the continent's first solar-powered airport.
Located halfway between Cape Town and Port Elizabeth, George Airport will meet 41% of its energy demand from a brand new 200 square meter solar power plant built on its grounds.
The facility, which was officially launched last week, has 3,000 photovoltaic modules, and will gradually increase capacity to deliver 750Kw power when it reaches full production.
It cost just over a million dollars to build, and is part of South Africa's commitment to introduce a mix of energy sources to all its airports.
"As an airports management company running nine airports nationally, part of our strategic objective is to minimize our environmental impact," Skhumbuzo Macozoma, chairman of the Airports Company South Africa Board said in a statement.
Spanish Authorities Seizes 20,000 Military Uniforms Meant for ISIL fighters
Spanish authorities seized 20,000 military-style uniforms being sent to fighters of the Islamic State and the Nusra Front, the Interior Ministry announced Thursday.
Police conducted a counterterrorism operation last month in the port cities of Valencia and Algeciras, where officers opened three shipping containers and found the uniforms along with other military accessories, the ministry said. The uniforms were mixed with “secondhand clothing” to avoid raising suspicion while passing through customs.
The ministry said in a statement that police arrested seven people on suspicion of providing logistical and financial support to ISIS and the Nusra Front, an Al Qaeda affiliate in Syria. The New York Times reported that five of the seven people were Spanish citizens.
Spanish authorities released a video showing a large pile of the camouflage clothing, according to The New York Times. An Interior Ministry spokesman told the paper the uniforms were not made in Spain and an investigation was underway to see where they came from.
The police operation “neutralized a very active and efficient business network whose primary purpose was to supply, maintain and strengthen” the Islamic State, the statement said.
Spanish police didn’t say where the uniforms were intended to go to.
DSS Arrests APGA Ex-Chairman
Former Chairman of the All Progressive Grand Alliance, APGA and candidate of the party in the Anambra Central Senatorial District election, Chief Victor Umeh, has been arrested by the Department of State Security, DSS.
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Ex-APGA Chairman |
Chief Umeh was said to have been arrested in Enugu, the capital of Enugu State at about 9AM on Thursday.
The former APGA Chairman is said to have been taken to the DSS office in Abuja the nation’s capital where he is expected to be questioned.
Reasons for Chief Umeh’s arrest is still not known but there are speculations it may be related to issues surrounding the forthcoming re-run election which he is a flag bearer of his party.
Nigeria to break up loss-making state oil firm NNPC
Nigeria is Africa's largest oil producer
Nigeria's loss-making state oil giant is to be broken up into 30 "profit-making" companies, the government says.
The Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) has been mired in corruption allegations and losing money for many years.
Despite pressure to sell it off, the government says that it can transform the NNPC into a profitable enterprise.
Nigeria is Africa's biggest oil producer, but the economy has suffered because of the declining oil price.
Can Nigeria defeat oil corruption?
Oil Minister Emmanuel Ibe Kachikwu said that the NNPC's monthly losses have rapidly declined and now stand at $15m (£11m).
He told an audience in the capital, Abuja, that it would soon be in profit, an NNPC statement says.
Mr Kachikwu, a former top official at ExxonMobil, was appointed to head the NNPC last year after President Muhammadu Buhari won elections and was then also named junior oil minister.
Mr Buhari has vowed to tackle corruption in the country.
Revenue from the oil sector is a big contributor to government income
In 2013, then central bank governor Lamido Sanusi said that the NNPC had failed to account for billions of dollars of earnings.
Nigeria's government benefits from revenues from the sale of the country's oil by several private oil companies which also operate in the country.
Mr Kachikwu also announced that some oil producing countries will be meeting on 20 March to see if they can work together to end the instability in the oil price.
Nigeria has introduced foreign exchange controls and import bans in an effort to maintain the value of the currency, the naira, in the face of pressure over the declining oil price.
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Thursday, 3 March 2016
Oscar Pistorius denied leave to appeal for conviction of murder
South African athlete Oscar Pistorius has been denied leave to appeal against his conviction for murdering his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp.
The Constitutional Court has made the ruling, meaning Pistorius will now be sentenced in April.
Pistorius killed Ms Steenkamp in February 2013 after firing four times through a locked toilet door.
A manslaughter verdict was overturned in December and a murder verdict introduced in its place.
Oscar Pistorius, fallen hero
Analysis: Justice served
South Africa's National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) said the Constitutional Court found "no prospect of success" in Pistorius' appeal.
The case will now go back to Judge Thokozile Masipa - who cleared the athlete of murder in the original case - for sentencing on 18 April.
Prosecutors are believed to be targeting a sentence of at least 15 years in jail for Pistorius.
Analysis - The BBC's Pumza Fihlani in Johannesburg
This is the end of the road for Oscar Pistorius. The Constitutional Court was his last chance to overturn his murder conviction.
Many in the country felt that judge Thokozile Masipa had erred when she convicted him of a lesser charge, but some still believed Pistorius had not intended to kill anyone, let alone Reeva Steenkamp.
Now a full bench of the country's most powerful judges has ruled that Pistorius' latest bid has no chance of succeeding.
The next step now is for the two legal teams to present their arguments about the length of his sentence - and the state wants no less than 15 years.
He is currently under house arrest after spending one year of his original five-year sentence in jail.
In December, South Africa's Supreme Court of Appeal ruled that the lower court under Judge Masipa had not applied correctly the rule of dolus eventualis - whether Pistorius knew that a death would be a likely result of his actions.
Justice Eric Leach said that having armed himself with a high-calibre weapon, Pistorius must have foreseen that whoever was behind the door might die, especially given his firearms training.
Pistorius has always maintained he believed he was shooting at an intruder.
AFCON 2017: Siasia Names Squad ... See list
Coach Samson Siasia has invited 22 home–based professionals and 20 foreign–based players for Nigeria’s 2017 Africa Cup of Nations qualifying games against the Pharaohs of Egypt this month.
Siasia, who was named last week as Super Eagles’ Head Coach, passionately appealed to Nigerians, including the media, to support the team and show belief as the Eagles host the Egyptians in Kaduna on Friday, March 25 and play away in Alexandria on Tuesday, March 29.
The 22 home boys are expected to hit camp in Abuja on Sunday, March 6 while the overseas –based players are expected to start arriving from Sunday, March 20.
“I want to passionately appeal to Nigerians, everybody, to show belief in the team and give us total support. It will not be easy, but if we stick together and present a united force to fight this battle, I believe we will triumph.
“I have absolute faith in the players. Nigeria is blessed with so many talented footballers across the world and I know that those we are inviting for this match will give everything for the six points in both matches. Personally, I will give everything that I have to offer for us to win both matches.”
The former Nigeria player, who was in the same position between December 2010 and October 2011, gave the assurance that only the best players who “showed ability to run and decimate the opposition” will be given opportunity in both matches.
Regulars Ikechukwu Ezenwa, Olufemi Thomas, Kalu Orji Okogbue, Austin Oboroakpo, Chima Akas, Ezekiel Bassey and Chisom Chikatara are in the home based mix, while Carl Ikeme, Efe Ambrose, Elderson Echiejile, Godfrey Oboabona, Kenneth Omeruo, John Mikel Obi, Ogenyi Onazi, Ahmed Musa, Victor Moses, Odion Ighalo, Moses Simon and Fanendo Adi are among the overseas –based legion.
Home–Based Professionals
Goalkeepers: Ikechukwu Ezenwa (Sunshine Stars); Olufemi Thomas (Enyimba FC); Emmanuel Daniel (Enugu Rangers)
Defenders: Kalu Orji Okogbue (Enugu Rangers); Chibuzor Okonkwo (FC IfeanyiUbah); Mathew Etim (Enugu Rangers); Austin Oboroakpo (Abia Warriors); Sincere Seth (Rhapsody FC); Segun Oduduwa (Nath Boys); Chima Akas (Akwa United); Chris Madaki (Kano Pillars); Oke Ogogatewho (Sunshine Stars)
Midfielders: Ifeanyi Mathew (Kano Pillars); Usman Mohammed (FC Taraba); Etebo Oghenekaro (Warri Wolves); Yau Hassan (Wikki Tourists); Stanley Dimgba (Warri Wolves)
Forwards: Ezekiel Bassey (Enyimba FC); Prince Aggrey (Kano Pillars); Bright Onyedikachi (FC IfeanyiUbah); Chisom Chikatara (Abia Warriors); Godwin Obaje (Wikki Tourists)
Overseas–Based Professionals
Goalkeepers: Carl Ikeme (Wolverhampton Wanderers, England); Daniel Akpeyi (Chippa United, South Africa)
Defenders: Efe Ambrose (Celtic FC, Scotland); Abdullahi Shehu (Uniao da Madeira, Portugal); Elderson Echiejile (AS Monaco, France); Stanley Amuzie (Olhanense FC, Portugal); Godfrey Oboabona (Caykur Rizespor, Turkey); Kenneth Omeruo (Kasimpasa FC, Turkey)
Midfielders: Ogenyi Onazi (SS Lazio, Italy); John Mikel Obi (Chelsea FC, England); Kelechi Iheanacho (Manchester City, England); Azubuike Okechukwu (Yeni Matalyspor, Turkey)
Forwards: Ahmed Musa (CSKA Moscow, Russia); Moses Simon (KAA Gent, Belgium); Victor Moses (West Ham United, England); Aminu Umar (Osmanlispor FK, Turkey); Odion Ighalo (Watford FC, England); Aaron Samuel (CSKA Moscow, Russia); Alex Iwobi (Arsenal FC, England); Fanendo Adi (Portland Timbers, USA)
14years old Ese to remain in Police Custody after father confirms pregnancy
father of Ese Oruru, the 14-year old girl who was allegedly abducted, converted to Islam and forcibly married by a Kano indigene Yunusa Danladi, on Thursday, confirmed that his daughter was five months pregnant.
Charles Oruru confirmed that his daughter was truly pregnant, but noted that he had left the next line of action for government and Nigeria’s security agencies.
He confirmed that her daughter was hale and healthy, though he expressed sadness that the issue was becoming more complex.
“My daughter is hale and healthy. I have seen her and she’s very fine.” When pressed further whether it was true that his daughter had been confirmed to be pregnant, he said, “that is it”.
Oruru, who’s in his fifties, was obviously agitated by the questions and sought a quick end to the queries, but not before he noted that he had handed the prosecution of the young man to the authorities.
“Everything you have read in the papers is true. You have read it. Be fast about this because I am in a hurry. Have I answered your question?’’
An obviously angry Mr Oruru added, ‘’ you ask me what is the next line of action? I have left the boy who did all these to me for the government. Let the government handle his case. Hope you are satisfied now?’’, he queried.
However, it was learnt that Ese would remain in the custody of the police in Yenagoa, who have promised to take her through a rehabilitation process and shield her from the public eye till the heat generated by the saga reduces.
A press conference scheduled to hold Thursday afternoon was suddenly deferred by the police authorities, while the Police Spokesman in the state, Asinim Butswat, declined to react to the sudden change of plans.
However, Mr. Peter Ogunyawo, Commissioner of Police in the state had earlier told journalists that “We are just trying to counsel her.”
“As you can see, my wife just finished speaking with her. And that is what we intend doing in the next few days.
I'm ready for my trial to clear my name --Dasukigate
The former National Security Adviser (NSA), Col. Sambo Dasuki (retd), has restated his desire to have free access to his lawyers to enable him defend himself and clear allegations on the criminal charges of unlawful possession of fire arms brought against him by the federal government.
Dasuki told Federal High Court in Abuja that the Federal Government no longer has moral and legal rights to continue his trial having disobeyed the order of bail granted him since 3 November, 2015.
In his argument by his counsel, Mr. Joseph Daudu (SAN), Dasuki premised his prayer on the fact that the government is in contempt of the court in relation to the charges filed against him.
Daudu while arguing the motion claimed that since 3 November, 2015, when his client was re-arrested by operatives of the Department of State Service (DSS), after perfecting the bail conditions, he has since been held in custody without trial or reasons made known to him.
The counsel insisted that the bail order that admitted Dasuki to bail remained valid having not been reviewed or set aside by the court and as such it must be obeyed in the interest of justice.
He claimed that his client cannot be lawfully prosecuted by government because his right to prepare adequately for his defence as enshrined in the bail and the constitution has been violated because he has been kept away from his lawyers.
The counsel also stated that section 36 of the 1999 constitution presumes his client innocent until the guilt has been established against him and that for now, the provision of the law has been turned upside down by his re-arrest without trial since last year.
“We must state here that since his re-arrest at the Kuje Prison after perfecting his bail condition, we have not been allowed access to him. We are at the crossroads and only the court can right the wrong in this matter so that the defendant will have time and facilities to defend himself.
“Investors are watching the court and the situation, especially where government is choosing to disobey a lawful court. Absolutely power corrupts absolutely, and we must not send a wrong signal to the outside world that we have no regard for the rulling.
He therefore urged the court to prohibit the trial of Dasuki until the government has done the needful.
However, in his opposition to the application, counsel to the Federal Government, Mr. Dipo Okpeseyi (SAN), urged the court not to grant the application because its purpose was to frustrate the trial and restrain the power to prosecute a criminal charge.
Okpeseyi claimed that the bail granted the defendant did not prohibit his re-arrest in connection with any other matter.
Okpeseyi also claimed that no material was placed before the court to show that the government violated the bail order and that there was also no evidence that government is preventing him from defending himself.
Okpeseyi argued that merely looking at Dasuki, he is looking clean, fresh and well-catered for in the custody.
He therefore urged the court to dismiss the application.
After listening to arguments from both parties, Justice Ademola fixed ruling on the application for 4 April, 2016.